Have you lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident? Speak with the Dallas attorneys at Montgomery Law.

Motorcycle Accident Wrongful Death Attorney

People are often at a loss after losing a spouse or family member in a motorcycle accident. At Montgomery Law, our job is to help grieving families seek the justice and compensation they deserve.

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, in 2016 alone, at least 463 motorcyclists and 33 motorcycle passengers lost their lives on Texas roads. Additionally, at least 1,861 bikers and 147 passengers suffered debilitating injuries, while thousands more suffered from unreported injuries.

Despite these statistics, motorcycles remain an increasingly-popular mode of transportation in north Texas. In fact, between 2006 and 2015, the number of registered motorcycles in the U.S. increased by more than 30 percent—to nearly 8.5 million. While only accounting for a mere one percent of all miles traveled, motorcycles account for nearly 14 percent of annual traffic fatalities.

Here at Montgomery Law, our experienced wrongful death attorneys have the knowledge and resources needed to help family members seek justice following a fatal motorcycle accident. We will work on your behalf and deal with the insurance company from beginning to end—all on a no-win no-fee basis. If you have questions, we can be reached by email or phone 24 hours a day at 214-720-6090 (local) or 1-833-720-6090 (toll-free) for a free consultation.

Contact a Dallas Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

Pursuing Justice on Behalf of the Victim

Following a fatal motorcycle accident, there are oftentimes significant costs incurred by the victim and his/her family members. In Texas, the spouse, children and/or parents of those wrongfully killed have the right to file a civil lawsuit in order to seek closure and compensation from the at-fault party—regardless of whether or not police decide to pursue criminal charges. Family members technically have two years from the date of the fatal motorcycle accident to file such a lawsuit, but it’s highly-advisable to speak to an attorney as soon as possible.

Not only will a wrongful death lawsuit seek compensation for your loved one’s pain and suffering, medical bills, and lost wages (what he or she would have been able to seek through a personal injury lawsuit had they survived), you as a beneficiary are permitted to seek compensation for your related losses as well. This includes compensation for funeral expenses, loss of financial support, emotional distress, as well as loss of love, society, consortium/companionship and more.

Insurance adjusters know that wrongful death claims are often valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is why they will do everything in their power to dispute liability. Insurance companies and their attorneys do not play fair, which is why having an attorney on your side can make all the difference when it comes to seeking justice and holding them financially responsible.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles provide a sense of freedom incomparable to any passenger vehicle and are far more economical; however, they also impart a greater risk of serious injury and/or death. What might be a minor accident in a car could be fatal for a motorcyclist.

Among the major causes of motorcycle accidents are: colliding with a fixed object, being rear-ended, and being struck by a vehicle making a left turn at an unprotected green light. In fact, the vast majority of motorcycle accidents are caused by other drivers.

While the risk of death to motorcyclists can be somewhat mitigated by wearing a helmet, it really all depends on the circumstances of the crash. Failing to wear a helmet does not absolve the other party of liability, but this type of comparative negligence claim can sometimes reduce the overall value of your case.

Motorcycle helmets are mandatory for riders in Texas, but those over the age of 21 (who also have an applicable insurance plan) are exempted from this requirement. While many riders choose to go without, helmets are about 37 percent effective at preventing motorcycle deaths and about 67 percent effective at preventing traumatic brain injuries in the even of a crash. In fact, when Texas repealed its more-stringent mandatory helmet law in 1997, motorcycle fatalities increased.

How Our Law Firm Can Help

Any type of death in the family is a tragedy—especially when it was the result of someone else’s negligence. If you’ve lost a spouse, parent or child due to a fatal motorcycle accident in Dallas, we ask that you call us for a free consultation. Having a qualified and experienced wrongful death attorney on your side can give you the best chance at pursuing justice on your loved one’s behalf, as well as the compensation that your family deserves.

We understand the emotional, legal, and financial issues associated with the wrongful death of a loved one, but we are here to help. The attorneys at Montgomery Law will handle all of the work on your behalf so that you can be there for your family. Our experienced attorneys are aware of the complexities which surround motorcycle accidents, and we will always look out for your best interests. Best of all, we work exclusively on a no-win, no-fee basis. You have nothing to lose by contacting us, so call us now at 214-720-6090 (local) or 1-833-720-6090 (toll-free) for a free consultation.